Monday, May 2, 2011

AP Euro Cold War Notes

v Cold War
¨     Civil war in Greece à Truman Doctrine
Ø  US will help free peoples who were threatened by armed minorities or outside pressures (military support)
Ø  Eco aid à stability (eco and political)
¨     Marshall Plan (European Recovery Program)
Ø  Economic aid to all the countries in Europe to help them rebuild
Ø  $13 billion à economic miracle
Ø  Soviet reaction- Marshall Plan = capitalist imperialism.  They didn’t allow communist countries to accept aid and be dependent on the west
¨     Containment- George F. Kennan
Ø  Leave Communism where it is already, but stop it where it is and prevent further spread of Communism
¨     Germany
Ø  German Communist Party under Walter Ulbrecht led the Soviet zone
Ø  In US and British zones, they tried thousands of Nazis.  The Soviets and French decided only to try the “big guys” of the Nazis
Ø  Unification of the Western zones
 Economic union and a planned political union into the West German Federal Government à Soviets were furious à Soviet blockade of Berlin à Berlin Air Lift
Ø  West German Federal Republic was created in September 1949
Ø  German Democratic Republic (Democratic Republic = communist) was created in October
v Cold War gets colder… It’s downright frozen!
¨     Soviet A bomb in 1949 à arms race, “mutual deterrence” (both sides refused to strike first, because they both had the ability to attack and the other retaliate and fight back)
¨     Alliances
Ø  NATO (everyone in Europe who was non-Communist + US and Canada)
Ø  COMECON (economic cooperation among the Communist states)
Ø  Warsaw Pact (military alliance of Communist countries)
¨     Korea
Ø  North Korea- Communist, help from Soviets
Ø  South Korea- non-Communist, help from US
Ø  Korean War, but there was basically no change (except a lot of people died)
Ø  “Containment works”- CENTO and SEATO
¨     Escalation and co-existence- simultaneously
Ø  Eisenhower threatened massive retaliation with nuclear war in the event of a ground attack in Europe
Ø  Coexistence
 Stalin died in 1953- people were more optimistic that the Cold War would end
 Summit meeting between Eisenhower and Bulganin (head of USSR) à no real benefits (however, the fact that they met shows that they were trying to coexist)
Ø  1956 Soviets crushed the Hungarian uprising (democratic forces did not help the Hungarians.  Helping them would go against containment, because Communism already existed in Hungary)
Ø  1957 Sputnik- Soviets launched the first space satellite… this scared the US à US increased importance of science in schools
Ø  Berlin
 West Berlin’s economic prosperity embarrassed the Soviets
 November 1958 Khrushchev threatened to turn over access routes to the East Germans unless West pulled its troops
West stood firm à Khrushchev backed down
 1961 East Germans built the Berlin Wall to stop escapes


  1. someone told me my momma is stoopid so u know what i said??
    yo mamas so dumb that when she went to disney world and say a sign that said "disney world left" she turned around and went home.....
    true story

  2. thanks bruh I hate AP euro

  3. AP euro makes me want to quit school and life espically since im in Mr. Bucks class ):
