Wednesday, May 4, 2011

AP Euro Review

AP Euro Review
v Monarchs of England
¨     Tudors: Henry VII (New monarch, centralization, star chamber, raised his own money), Henry VIII (Anglicanism), Edward, Bloody Mary, Elizabeth I (golden age, politique)
¨     Stuarts: James I (believed in divine right rule), Charles I (ship money, short and long Parliament, English civil war), Charles II (Stuart restoration after Cromwell, development of Whigs and Tories), James II (Catholic, ignored Test Act), William and Mary (Glorious Revolution, English Bill of Rights limited power of king), Anne
¨     Hanover (this is still the ruling family now, except they took the name Windsor during WWI): George I (Walpole- first PM)
v New monarchs
¨     More concentration of royal authority
¨     Efforts to suppress nobles
¨     Control Church
¨     Gain loyalty of people
v French Revolution comparisons
¨     Method for comparisons- start with one, figure out its main characteristics (causes, changes, stages, results), then look at the other and ask the same questions, then make comparisons between the two
¨     English Civil War
¨     Russian Revolution
Ø  Duma did not make reforms needed
Ø  WWI = financial insolvency of the FR as the trigger
Ø  Both started off led by moderates (FR- wanted constitutional monarchy, RR- wanted democracy)
Ø  Kerensky would not pull Russia out of the war (Russia was still bleeding!).  Kerensky’s lack of reform à Bolshevik Revolution (more radical, just like when the FR became more radical)

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